Exercisers of the SM Series

 Rowing machine SM131
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 Ladder with bar SM112
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 Butterfly SM128
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 Double skiman SM144
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 Anatomic press SM106
To wish list
 Twister SM114-4
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 Hip extension SM126
To wish list
 Stepper SM136
To wish list
 Chest press SM101
To wish list
 Lat pull down SM102
To wish list
 Leg press SM103
To wish list
 Twister SM114
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 Pull - up Rack SM117
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Load Adjustment

The service life of sports equipment is not limited.

The construction of exercisers withstands even the most intense loads and is covered with anti-vandal paint, which is safe for health. This coating is resistant to temperature extremes, adverse weather factors, burnout, abrasion, and mechanical damage.

SE - ease of operation and a rich variety. The feature of the line is reliable support, to which the training machines are attached.

SM - products are distinguished by square and rectangular frames, which some athletes find more comfortable.

SMP - is characterised by a reinforced structure: the simulators are attached on both sides to a stable support - a pylon.

KF - is equipped with a mechanism that allows you to adjust the load in a wide range.

All outdoor exercises are performed with your own body weight.

In order for classes to give a visible result, you should not overload your body from the first day, you should perform no more than 2 sets of each of the exercises for 5-10 repetitions.

In the future, gradually increase the load.

In our catalogue, you will find a wide range of models for working out various muscle groups:






The best solutions for outdoor activities

Reliability and efficiency - this is what we pay attention to when we are going to choose and buy sports equipment. It wasn't very diverse before. Today, in regular stores and online catalogues, you can find those models that were previously difficult to imagine. Of course, looking at expensive training machines makes you want to quit sports and return to everyday life, but you shouldn't give up so early. After all, you can start doing exercises and get a sufficient level of workload with the help of simple but effective products. For example, to buy training machines of the SM-series and enjoy training. They allow you to work out the main muscle groups quickly and efficiently and actively get rid of excess weight. Thanks to the presence of oxygen in the blood, which accelerates metabolism, you will be able to improve the functioning of the body and improve your condition in general.

Why this equipment?

Street training machines give those options that help not only to improve your physical shape but also to discipline yourself. After all, to achieve a good result, it is necessary to train constantly and give the body a workload. In this case, the muscles will always be in good shape and will begin to grow. Therefore, having your gym under the window will be a great incentive to exercise before work, recharge with vigour and energy for the whole day and get everything done.

This series features square and rectangular frames, which some athletes find more comfortable. There are no significant changes in functionality - these models perform their main tasks equally effectively. But, if you prefer just such a basis and are used to doing it, then it is definitely better to buy already familiar forms. So, you will not have to get used to it and you will be able to continue working at your usual pace!

Withstand any conditions

They are designed for outdoor activities, so stricter requirements are placed on them. Firstly, they are characterised by increased wear resistance, because they are used by different people every day. Since the maximum weight of an athlete can sometimes be too much, they can withstand different loads. They are required to be versatile and help develop both teenagers and professional heavyweights. Secondly, any precipitation will not cause the equipment to lose its appearance or functionality. The products presented in our catalogue are distinguished by high-quality details, which are the basis of the design of any option. They are guaranteed to work for a long time under any circumstances and withstand hail, downpours, snow, and direct sunlight.

Good price

Products from our catalogue are our production, which allows us to set a competitive price tag on the market. That is why our models are so affordable and the selection is so diverse!

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