This park seat provides an ideal spot for anyone looking to unwind before or after a leisurely stroll, indulge in musing, or do outdoor exercises. With its robust design, Bench Cartagena InterAtletika LP738 is highly reliable for withstanding substantial loads, making it an ideal choice for various open spaces. The inclusion of a backseat enhances the overall quality of leisure activities for people.
This bench is part of the "Spain" series and is made of a rectangular metal profile and wooden elements. Metal parts are covered with powder paint, and wooden parts - with several layers of varnish. The coating prevents the ageing of the tree, blocks the development of corrosion, doesn’t allow moisture to pass through, and helps maintain a presentable appearance for a long time. A high-quality steel profile is used for production. It can withstand high loads and is resistant to mechanical damage. The bench is installed by concreting or screwing.